Orzhov Syndicate

The Orzhov Syndicate is the ubiquitous religious authority on Ravnica. The memories of the gods once worshipped have faded, but the traditions, duties, and tithes of the church remain. In practice they operate more as a crime syndicate, in which a small minority of priests, aristocrats, and ghosts rule over a majority of indebted faithful and indentured spirits.   The Orzhov mint most of the city's coinage, provide financial and legal services, and can even extend your life if you gain enough favor with them.   Wealth is power, and you absolutely can take it with you if you’re an undying spirit living in decadent luxury on the ruling council of the Orzhov Syndicate. Built on the crushed dreams and broken bodies of citizens deeply indebted to the syndicate’s banks and loan sharks, Orzhov’s elaborate hierarchy of syndics, priests, and oligarchs exists for the single purpose of funneling wealth to the top. Beneath the twin facades of religious hierarchy and banking operation, Orzhov is an organized crime syndicate with its fingers in businesses across the city.   The Orzhov’s original function was both religious and financial, with the two functions closely related. As Ravnica’s dominant church, the Orzhov continues to preach an oppressive message that equates sin with debt and promises forgiveness to those who make tithes and donations. As Ravnica’s principal bank, it stores and secures the riches of the city, collecting interest at high rates to expand its own wealth. Its members truly believe that their work is necessary to the proper functioning of Ravnica. Although most other Ravnicans see the Orzhov for the corrupt organization it is, many people are still dazzled by the syndicate’s promises of wealth, prestige, and longevity.   Orzhov churches and basilicas are scattered across the city, each one led by a ministrant with a staff of knights and syndics. These sites are centers of commerce clothed in the trappings of religion, where lowly borrowers come to seek atonement for their sins — atonement that is given in the form of debt and obligation.   Orzhov attorneys and advokists maintain offices near Prahv and other Azorius courts. Despite their proximity to law enforcement, these offices are centers of operation for Orzhov protection rackets and other criminal activities.
In the eyes of the Orzhov Syndicate, the other guilds primarily represent either opportunities for exploitation or dangerous threats to its way of life.
Azorius. “Their new laws challenge everything we know Ravnica stands for. If they will not protect the people, then we will do it for them.”
Boros. “Though their structure is reasonable, they are naive in their outlook on justice. What glory is there in risking one’s life when work continues in the afterlife?”
Dimir. “It’s hard to begrudge them their love of secrets. As long as they stay out of our business, we will leave them be.”
Golgari. “Admirably resourceful and elegant, but tragically unhygienic. The swarmers may persist, as long as they don’t try to force their aesthetic sensibilities on us.”
Gruul. “They know nothing of order and dignity, and therefore they serve little purpose as an organization.”
Izzet. “Combative and obnoxious. Their allegiance lies with no one, and their naiveté isn’t worth our time.”
Rakdos. “A necessary source of creativity and satire. Wit is a dangerous weapon, and their critiques speak to the people more than fear and surveillance ever will.”
Selesnya. “The Selesnya are idealistic fools. Looking toward nature ignores the problems at hand in the civilized world.”
Simic. “Their preoccupation with life disregards the might that death can provide.”

"Even death will not absolve you of your debts to the Orzhov."

Financial, Bank
Controlled Territories