
Sunhome is the Guildhall of the Boros on Ravnica. It is a combined fortress, barracks, and place of worship. It is impregnable, serves as a symbol of military might, and is the base of operations for the League of Wojek. Sunhome is guarded by the veterans of the Sunhome Guard.   Angels occupy the highest tier of the Boros hierarchy, from the guildmaster Aurelia down to the hosts of holy warriors and advisors in leadership roles. Their opinions and advice are deeply respected in the guild, though the angels aren’t above engaging in the machinations of mortal politics. The angels include the wise, strategic warleaders; the holy champions and paragons of war known as firemanes; and battleforce angels, who form the bulk of the legion’s angelic warriors.   From the perspective of the average Boros soldier, the angels embody the ideals the Boros hold dear. Few mortal soldiers gain admission into the presence of the warleaders and other powerful angels, but battleforce angels fight at the forefront of the legion’s ranks, and they form strong friendships with mortals under such life-and-death circumstances. Boros paladins are the members most likely to converse with the angels and be charged with implementing their plans   The garrison commanders who convey the angels’ commands are accessible to the ordinary soldier. In addition to Sunhome, the Boros maintain smaller garrisons throughout the Tenth District, at least one in each of the six precincts.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location