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Launa Boonad

Pontiff Launa Boonad

Human Vampire, Female, Pontiff   Born into the Syndicate, Launa grew up surrounded by treachery and greed. She chose to be turned into a vampire. The flaws of human life expectancy were but shackles to her own ambitions.   With her greatly increased lifespan and treacherous nature, she was able to rise the ranks of the Orzhov to the role of Pontiff. She now possesses a grand basilica in West Plaza, and manages a collection of Orzhov members. Her priests and advokists are tasked with gathering contracts, while her enforcers enact the collection of these debts.    Her advokists speciality was offering legal counsel and representation in exchange for debts of servitude.  The priests travel throughout the further precincts as a sort of missionary group. In neighbourhoods that already have an Orzhov presence, her priests refer potential converts to the local Orzhov body (for a commission of course). In neighbourhoods absent of Orzhov influence, these priests typically establish places of worship, luring in the desperate and destitute.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Pale skin, with long raven black hair. Often done up in elegant styles.

Special abilities

Blood Bond. Those whose blood is consumed willingly by Launa are subject to a blood bond (the bond itself does not need to be willing, nor do they need to be made aware of it's effects). When Launa takes damage, she resists this damage, resulting in the damage she would have otherwise taken transferring to one of those held in a blood bond. Blood bonds can be broken by a greater healing or remove curse.

Apparel & Accessories

Often dress in elegant, aristocratic attire. She is often corsetted in ostentatious gowns with extravagant trimming and plunging cleavage. She is always seen wearing a choker around her neck that has a Black Sunburst symbol hanging from it.


Contacts & Relations

Debtor - Peren. Peren has extensive gambling debts, but has been successfully avoiding enforcers.   Enforcer under her control - Tibor Val, an enforcer tasked with tracking down and collecting Peren's debt (whether that repayment made with coin or blood).

Hobbies & Pets

Launa is always accompanied by 2 Servitor Thrulls and often an additional Winged Thrull.
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization


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