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Mjesec (mm-YES-eck)

Our Lady of Benevolent Mortgage

Deathpact Angels dwell in the grandest of Orzhov cathedrals, where they surround themselves with wealth and wretched vassals that are utterly in their thrall.   Gift Givers. Posing as a beneficent god, a deathpact angel attracts petitioners who beg the angel for blessings: wealth, prestige, health, revenge, and the like. Imagining itself generous and merciful, the angel usually tries to grant the petitioners what they seek by using its abilities, drawing from its hoard of riches, or extorting favors from other members of the guild. True to the spirit of the Orzhov, though, the angel doesn’t bestow these gifts out of kindness, but for the sake of gaining fanatical followers who owe it life debts.   Debt and Indenture. Those who receive favors from a deathpact angel incur a debt that they carry with fervent devotion. They regularly bring trinkets and offerings to the angel, no longer asking or expecting anything in return, and even willingly offer up their mortal lives for their angelic patron. Even after death, these debtors continue to serve the angel and the Orzhov Syndicate as indentured spirits.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Black Sunburst

Tenets of Faith

Prosperity Gospel: Material wealth is the key to a rewarding after life. Debt is the smith by which that key is forged.

Physical Description

Body Features

Great black wings.

Special abilities

Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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