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Simic Combine (sihm-ICK)

The Simic Combine is Ravnica's steward of nature and the wild; its mission is to preserve the natural world even as Ravnica's cities continue to grow. The guild seeks to protect the elements of the plane that are incompatible or mutually exclusive with its overpopulated, urban conditions. The guild uses magic to coax new morphologies from existing creatures, as well as to combine traits from multiple organisms in one. Some of these are unique creatures that can't reproduce. A few multiply and become part of the guild's fabric.   The emotionally distant relationship that the Simic biomancers have with the rest of Ravnica's society makes the common man wary of the guild, thinking of them as crazy mutant makers. Even so, the Simic makes up the physicians of Ravnica and so injuries and illness are taken to reputable doctors.

Public Agenda

The Simic Combine provides medical assistance and performs biological research.

Demography and Population

Clades Where other cultures are divided by species, caste or role, within the Simic Combine, members are divided by Clade. A Clade is a group that's focused on a specific aspect of the Combine or project. Some of the clades include:  
  • Hull Clade, focusing on protection, defense, and durability.
  • Fin Clade, focusing on the movement of creatures (especially flying creatures) as well as, movement of resources through systems.
  • Crypsis Clade, focusing on camouflage and magic designed to hide knowledge or operations.
  • Gyre Clade, focusing on redirecting or nullifying magic and advancing nature.
  Factions Independently from the Clades operate factions about the interpretation of Simic philosophy. Two are known: The Utopians, who focus on a harmonic union between civilization and nature, where evolution is a slow, guided process; and the Adaptationists, who believe that the guilds exist in a fragile ecosystem in which the slightest imbalance can have cascading effects, and thus seek to take steps that will ensure their survival.   Though not outright stated, it is likely that Momir Vig's followers constituted their own factions, the Vigeans, who saw nature as something to be molded and subdued in order to enhance civilization.   Guardians In recent years the Simic Combine has extended its research to humanoid subjects, magically transferring the traits of various animals into humans, elves, and vedalken.[5] The goal of the Guardian Project is to build an army perfectly adapted to a variety of combat situations. These hyper-evolved specimens are called Simic hybrids, though they sometimes refer to themselves as guardians.   The Speakers' Chamber The Speakers' Chamber is a secretive body of all nine Zonot speakers. The Prime Speaker is considered to be the guildmaster of the Simic.

Technological Level

Goals of the Simic   Two philosophical principles, in tension with each other, combine to give the Simic Combine its unique approach to science and nature. In traditional Simic thought, these principles are called the Holdfast and the Upwelling.   The Holdfast principle, named for the biological mechanism that keeps kelp and sponges anchored to the sea floor, advises members of the Simic Combine never to stray so far from nature that they become “adrift.” It espouses the idea that nature left undisturbed will evolve toward adaptive traits and increased strength. Nature will flourish and grow, and every creature will find its proper niche in the ecosystem where it can thrive.   The Upwelling principle, named for the phenomenon of nutrient-rich water rising to the ocean surface, advocates that the new and enlivened should replace the old and depleted in an unending cycle, bringing constant refreshment and renewal. This principle accounts for the combine’s analytical bent and its emphasis on knowledge as a means of transformation. Learning the secrets of the universe lets you shape the world as you desire. The Upwelling encourages every creature to discover its full potential.

Mutation. Evolution. Progress.

Research, Medical
Alternative Names
The Biomancers
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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