A note with a black Orzhov seal in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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A note with a black Orzhov seal

Sister, I was astounded to hear you were alive. The Unrelenting made it very clear that you are doing well and part of the Golgari Swarm. This bring joy to my heart, an emotion I rarely feel outside the presence of the Lady. It seems that you have embraced Death, just as I have. Though time and distance have pulled us apart, we are very much the twins to this day.   I want to meet you, and your friends. I wish to see if your embrace of Death is as complete as mine. If you and your companions prove worthy, I would be honored to bring you to my Lady. She is the end of all things and the black guiding star of my soul. She has shown me the truth, and I accepted it and Her. If you are strong enough, you could walk by her side as well.   I will wait for you and your companions on the roof of the Gilded Rose hotel in two nights. It is a safe place to meet, to speak plainly and to embrace death.   I am looking forward to seeing you.   May the cold embrace welcome you.
Written in plain easy to read script. Delivered to the safe house via Thrull.

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