Balvott's Defenses in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Balvott's Defenses

The lab is hidden in plain sight in Zonot Seven. A Simic supply lab for limb replacements called Krinott's Creations.   The lab is six levels in total. From top to bottom they are:
  • Sub Level +3 - Balvott's personal projects
  • Sub Level +2 - Laboratories for aquatic experiments
  • Sub Level +1 - Living quarters, mess and kitchen
  • Main Level - Main lobby and conference room.
  • Sub Level -1 - Laboratories and secluded conference room.
  • Sub Level -2 - Loading Bay, arial experiments
Two known entrances. A walkway to the Main Level lobby, that can be reached by normal travel into the Zonot. A loading entrance on sub level -2, with no direct access except by air or skilled climbing.   I believe Kira is being held on Sub Level +3.   Transport between the levels is by stairs.   A water tube can be used by merfolk to travel between the following levels Sub Level -2, Main Level and Sub Level +2. This tube is also used to move certain waterproof goods, as the current can be adjusted within the tube. Adjusting the current does signal the users of the tube that it is being activated.   Lobby has three Krasis (creature mutations) growing tubes, showing off the latest creations. These can be activated in case of attack. Four smaller growing tubes hold limb modification experiments for "Krinott's Creations". I've heard the water features on this floor can be set to overflow and make the floor very slippery. There is a guard checking badges on the downward staircase heading to Sub Level -1.   Sub Level +1 is not really guarded, but there are always people around. Many lower rank members sleep in shifts, so their is usually someone in the quarters as well as the mess hall and kitchen. A guard is stationed at the staircase going up to Sub Level +2, to check on badges.   Sub Level +2 also has 2 Krasis growing chambers, which act as display/protection. I've heard (but not seen) that there are certain precautions in place to neutralize magic if an experiment goes awry. One experimental chamber is full of water for the merfolk researchers to use.   I know very little of the other sub levels. I wasn't permitted to go to them (I don't have a coral level badge). The access to Sub Level +3 is secured by a key that only Balvott and his two Senior Researchers have access to (Elom Volk and Dinya)
Written in Iria's clear but strangely wide letters.

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