Denizens of the Necrose Network Organization in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Denizens of the Necrose Network

The following are dwellers of Necrose Network that the Golgari Gals may be familiar with.
Name Role Description Personality
Nefa "Glow tongue" Harvester Female, Devkarin
Zulal "Flesh Flattner" Orchard Guardian Male, Troll Covered in spores and mushrooms. Little mycanid guardian. Everyone is "little spore".
Shrenn "Snake Whisperer" Shamen Female, Gorgon
Igito "Dust Scale" Reclaimer Male, Vaishino - Brown scales and orange eyes Likes to brag about his exploration, but timid around stronger folk. Enjoys drink, dice and cards.
Des "Old Hook" Harvester Male, Devkarin
Kemira "Slime Touch" Beetle Tamer Female, Devkarin
Kuros "Sharp Spike" Warrior Male, Devkarin Wight
Zita "Poison Forged" Arcane Student Female, Human Ghost
Kiro "Never Known" Assassin Female Gorgon Uses her snake's venom during assassinations. Obsidian spear with a snake motif. 


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