Golgari Renown in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Golgari Renown

Golgari renown is obtained by completing missions that filter down through the swarm to your ears. Typically these start with a nest mother, but as you gain renown you will come to the attention of hive mothers, advisors, chancellors and perhaps the Guildmaster itself. Golgari coin may not be actual coin, but the trade good equivalent.   Renown 0-2   Swarm
  • Obey the orders given to your group by the leader of your community
  • Build your skills and knowledge if you wish to be of greater use
  • 21 silver spending coin per week (3 per day)
  Renown 3 and up   Agent
  • You are known to be highly effective and selected by the leader to complete important tasks
  • You obtain any supplies you need to complete a mission (within reason)
  • You may obtain a flask of poison, antitoxin, potion of bark skin or potion of invisibility (depending on the task).
  • 42 silver spending coin per week (6 per day)
  Renown 10 and up   Monsterous Favors
  • Your name is known to the guild master, and your reputation for completing tasks
  • You can obtain the help of monstrous guild members including but not limited to medusa, troll, or kraul.
  • You hold enough esteem for them to listen to you, and usually ask for an exchange for their help.
  • At the start of any mission you obtain a Golgari charm.
  • When you activate this charm, you can cast the dispel magic, false life (3rd-level version), or stinking cloud spell. The charm vanishes after you activate it.
  • 63 silver spending coin per week (9 per day)
  • You are part of a special group of infiltrators and protectors within the swarm
  • You perform bodyguard duty when asked.
  • You perform infiltration when asked.
  • You perform assassinations when asked.
  • You are given a magical item to assist in your specialization.
  • 63 silver spending coin per week (9 per day)

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