Human Ethnicity in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Humans are a scant majority among the peoples of Ravnica, dominating some guilds and barely represented in others. They are innovators, achievers, and pioneers whose daring and adaptability make them capable of great things for good or ill.   Not one of the originators of the ten guilds was human, although the Ghost Council of the Orzhov Syndicate is of human origin. No current guildmaster is human. But humans are lieutenants, advisors, and strategists in many guilds. Their ambition and drive propel them toward the top, but the sheer might of beings such as ancient dragons, sphinxes, and demons keeps humans from reaching the pinnacle of power.   The humans of Ravnica are as physically diverse as those of other worlds. Similarly, they are varied in their inclinations: they alone are found in every guild.

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