Kira Nizai Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Kira Nizai

Kira Nizai

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The unstable nature of Kira and Thana's broken soul within her body is starting to manifest physically in Kira. Attempts by Balvott and Kira to neutralize the necrotic corruption resulted in some strange reactions. A slimy grey discoloration is moving across the back of her neck and onto her face. She is wracked with pain from time to time as the souls continue to lose cohesion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally was part of the Golgari Swarm before becoming dissatified with their approach to death. She went to the Simic Combine to begin working on preserving life through whatever medical means possible. Met Thana and the two of them discussed the power of soul shifting. Inspired by the concept, and Kira's knowledge of necromancy, the two started working on a medical way to manipulate the soul.   This experiment caught the attention of Balvott who offered to fund the experiment. This is how all three ended up being impacted by the soul transfer experiment.   After the experiment went wrong Kira attempted to handle the issues on her own, but Balvott convinced her of his interest and desire to help. However it became apparent that he was only using her to further his research, and of course take the credit for it. Kira realizes she is useful to Balvott for now, but when she is no longer helpful, she will be used for parts for a future experiment.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to return soul to be restored to it's complete state and punish Balvott for attempting to take credit for research he didn't do.

Likes & Dislikes

Trusts Thana to help her once they are able to figure out how to restore their souls.   Does not trust Balvott to do anything but use the process for his own unhinged ends.
Pale grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Other Affiliations

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