Klatic's Message in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Klatic's Message

Hello Kallan,   There isn't much to salvage here. That Shockwave did a number on it. We found some precious metals and gems - raw materials for her experiments I guess. Some nasty acid that burned one of my guys good. Oceana was able to treat him in time. Found some odd stuff. Your girl was dipping her toe in Rakdos nonsense for sure. Found these handcuff things, look painful. Also found what I think is a spare hand attachment she was messing with.   Gonna be honest this is going to take some additional time. I've got giants helping, but we keep running into weird Izzet stuff that hurts my folks pretty good. We're gonna ask for an Izzet advisor to be put on site with us as we work. Also caught some folks sniffing around, probably Orzhov and Rakdos, but they keep slipping away before I can question them. Annoyed.   I'll give you a heads up if we find something that might interest you, but I get the feeling she was trying to cover her tracks as much as possible and I think she succeeded.   Your friend,   Klatic   P.S.  My handwriting is trash. I can't read it half the time. Oceana is writing this for me. Usually have an intern do it, but this is kinda sensitive and I trust Oceana. See sample below.
Written in lovely clear script that is super easy to read. After the P.S. a very messy cluster of letters says "Hi Kallan. This is my real writing. Pretty bad, right?"

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