Macabre Mockery Organization in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Macabre Mockery

It's true. The Macabre Mockery has done it again. Their latest play is one of the best yet. "Aurelia's Bullish Pride" puts the Boros Legion under the spotlights. Ever wonder why an angel is so eager to fight all day long surrounded by large hulking minotaurs? This play answers that question as well as just how far a goblin would go to get a single feather from her wing. When an invasion by the Gruul Clans puts the District in peril, Aurelia grabs her biggest most ready warriors and watches them do battle while she... well you have to see the play to appreciate it. A surprise visit at the end of the play will have you rolling in the aisles and make you thirsty for more guild intrigue. A trip back stage may be in order. Don't miss "Arelia's Bullish Pride" the featured play at The Old House. You'll never look at angels the same way again.
- Theater review from the Weekly Ravnica News


Known for their performances that tear down the social norms while remaining amusing and alluring. All their plays take aim at the guild power structure, their ineptitude and the idea that nearly all the upper level guild members are constantly horny and using their power trips for some kind of sexual gratification, usually in the most absurd and insulting way possible.   They take great pride in their main stage performances. The scripts combine all types of humor and clever word play. Costumes are over the top but detailed and easy to move in. Music always fits the scenes and goes from simple support to being another aspect of the satire, especially when the cast bursts into song. Visual effects rarely endanger the crowd (unless they pay for it).   Back stage performances are based on audience participation. Performers there usually graduate from the side shows, but have to be willing to fully commit to their art. The performances here shift away from the satire and dive into more indulgent and extreme entertainment for the paying guest.   They operate out of The Old House, a "theater" in Precinct Six.

It is all fair game and it is all funny

Entertainment, Troupe

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