Necrose Network Job Opportunities in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Necrose Network Job Opportunities

Keeping the community at the Necrose Network thriving requires a lot of hands pitching in. Goods can be exchanged for services, and these goods have a gold equivalent. But don't worry about that. Just worry about the 15% chance that there may be a mishap.   Reclaiming
  • Join Igito on the quest for more stuff!
  • 5 days to complete.
  • 40gp worth of stuff with 1d10 gold additional on a no-mishap.
  • Mishap: You contract a disease that reduces your HP total by half for 1d6 days.
  Fungal Harvest
  • 7 gold per day or 40 for a full workweek commitment.
  • Danger is minimal unless we are raided.
  Beetle or Spider Training
  • 7 gold per day or 40 for a full workweek commitment.
  • Animal handling is preferred (and reduces the chance of mishap)
  • Danger is minimal unless the insects are provoked
  Shardspear's Sparring
  • Orval is always looking for some able bodies to train with his students. And the Ochran need someone to practice their assassination attempts on.
  • 3 gold per shift. 3 shifts per day. Two back to back shifts require a Con Check DC: 13 or gain one level of exhaustion.
  • On a mishap you are knocked unconscious for 1d4 days.

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