Nightsilk's Instructions in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Nightsilk's Instructions

It is time for you three to prove your value to the swarm, and take the next step toward being embraced by the hive. You are without the eyes to see the mysteries of the darkness. For this reason, you must be given eyes.   This is the task laid before you. Three from the Izzet League are coming here. They seek Shimmershroud mushrooms, but are unable to obtain them. There is a grove on the outskirts of the Nest, in a fallen tower. Meet the Izzet and take them to the grove. Guide the three, but show them they are helpless here without the Swarm at their side. They must understand they will work with us in the undercity - not independent of us.   There you will also find Purple Spore Beetles. Take from it one of the purple glands. It must be intact. Bring it to me, and I shall bestow eyes upon you, so you may see and be seen by all of the swarm.   Do these things and tell me of the outcomes. If I am pleased, then your path into the swarm will become clearer.

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