Nikya of the Old Ways Character in Ravnica, City of Guilds | World Anvil

Nikya of the Old Ways

Nikya is a powerful Centaur Druid, and leader of the Gruul Zhur-Taa Clan on Ravnica, one of the Gruul tribes who worships the ancient gods of old Ravnica.   She has the well-muscled physique of a youthful fighter but the battle scars of a veteran. Age-lines branch from the corner of her eyes, which seem wiser than many of the elder dryads of Vitu-Ghazi.   Though raised to be a warrior, Nikya soon discovered her natural gifts with magic, which allow her to summon enormous constricting vines from the ancient layers of Ravnica's crust. She considers herself to be the last of the true Gruul druids. At the heart of her beliefs in the "Old Ways" is the expectation of an coming apocalypse, the "End-Raze". In a glorious onslaught, every brick of Ravnica's soaring skylines will tumble to rubble, and the world will return to a state of nature. The bringer of the end times is Ilharg, the Raze-Boar.
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Character Portrait image: Niky by Ryan Pancoar


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