Getting Started in Ravnica! in Ravnica, City of Guilds | World Anvil

Getting Started in Ravnica!

Welcome to Ravnica! This is a living world D&D 5e game set in the City of Guilds.

The Basics

  This is a D&D 5e living world, west marches-style server taking place in the Magic: The Gathering setting of Ravnica, the City of Guilds.   
What does that mean?
  A living world campaign is one in which roleplay is ongoing, even when the server is not. The entirety of the setting (in this case, the city of Ravnica) is available for roleplay and exploration. One need only choose a location to begin and  You need not know any more about Ravnica than what is readily available in the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica supplement.     Play begins at level 1 for all players. Please see the #FAQ for more.                       * Once you have finished reading everything under this sub-heading, you may come back here and click the colorwheel at the bottom of this message and get into making a character, roleplaying, joining quests, and making endless shitposts in the meme channels. [You may be tempted to click it right now, but do yourself a favor and wait until you've read everything and talked to some people first.]   * To get you ready, our #FAQ contains links to our comprehensive wiki and a step-by-step guide to character creation.   * You may jump into #ASK-QUESTIONS for any questions you have, and our helpful staff and player base will be happy to assist you (assuming someone is awake). Be advised, they may refer you back to the wiki if your answer can be found there. ^_^   * To begin, #SAY-HELLO to the other members of the server. We're pretty friendly here.
Where do I go from here?  
  • Character Creation
  • Guild Primer
  • Roleplay Information & Etiquette
  • Questing Guide
CODE OF CONDUCT   These are the core rules of the server. Learn them, know them, keep them close to your heart.
  1. Don’t be a wangrod. Use common sense.
  2. Be respectful. This one won’t get you in trouble for breaking it, but if you’re disrespecting people on a personal level and everyone is aware, you’re probably going to be given a warning.
  3. Don’t spam game requests in non-game channels.
  4. Do not advertise for other discord servers.
  5. Do not spam shitposts, emojis, bot nonsense, etc in #general.
  6. Real-life depictions of bodily harm shall not be posted without spoilers and appropriate tagging. Err on the side of caution.
  7. This server is rated T for TEENS outside of designated NSFW channels (marked with ⚠). If it’s getting detailed, take it to pms.
  8. If a mod deems your post offensive, it will be removed without warning or discussion. You will be informed as to why it was removed.
  9. Racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia will not be tolerated.
  10. Harassment will not be tolerated.
  11. We are a welcoming and supportive community. Please be respectful of people’s boundaries and be considerate.
  12. Remember that you are not your character. Don’t let in-character conflicts extend to out-of-character interactions.
  13. Do not upload or post links to illegal/pirated files or content.
  14. Consistent violation of these rules can result in disciplinary action, up to and including a ban.


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