Jarad vod Savo Character in Ravnica, City of Guilds | World Anvil

Jarad vod Savo

Jarad is part of the Devkarin elves, and was a bounty hunter who worked extensively in the Undercity of Ravnica. His sister, Savra, was the matka of the Devkarin elves, and unbeknownst to him, the servant of Szadek. When her ambitions brought her to control Svogthir to upset the current guild balance, he found himself opposed to his twin. Allied with Agrus Kos and Fonn Zunich, he was instrumental in upsetting Szadek's coup at the decamillenial Festival of the Guildpact. After his sister's death in those events, he took control of the Golgari Swarm.


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