Leo Clark

Leo Clark is an Arestor for Arestor Station 85. First joing up when he is young Leo had to deal with a very frustrating station. 85 is a very zelous station that looks down upon every other guild in ravnica, even the Boros. To 85 the slestya are hippies, Orzhav are greedy bastards, Boros are hot headed war mongering vigilantes, izzit and simmic are mad scientists, the Gruul are savage barbarians while the Rakdos are little more than criminals. Leo does not like the sation seeing them as full of themselevs and incompotent idiots. Rather than hate every otehr guild and try to fight each of them Leo wants to make allies with the guilds especially the Boros and the Izzit. Revently after the events of Disorder up where the sation failed to catch a nitorious gang leader and he was kidnapped Leo recived a promotion to captain after the new cheif took over
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