Scholar Square Settlement in Ravnica, City of Guilds | World Anvil

Scholar Square

Scholar Square is a small neiborhood mostly consisting of stores related to history, magic and other scholar pursuits. There are even places for people to train in magic. The largest and most notable building is the Mantor Library a large public library that was converted from the old labs of the powerful guildless wizard Eda Sugar Mantor who spent her life conducting research to help any people regardless of the guild's. A tall stone building with a underground archive of deep books and documents. A tall painting of her and her faithful awakened owl familiar stands proud in the main hall. Notable members include   Marton Foss a retired Boros one armed male Dwarf who spends his days collecting tales and stories of former great heroes and training the new generation based of the old heroes.   Aya Glemier a female guildless half elf wizard who runs a store selling magic and who has a girlfriend who works at the children section of the Library. Her faithful companion is a monkey named "Snickerdoodle"   Metehe a crazy friendly elderly lady center who runs herb shop that is more like a green house. Assited by her non crazy ogre buisness partner who handles most of the numbers   Brandy Finewine is the head scribe at the mantor public library. A messy and shy halfing lady with alot of work on her sholders but very friendly


Scoolars, Magic users, Magic store owners Middle to low class


Azorius officers

Industry & Trade

Scholar shops and library Magic lessons Magic stores


Mantor Public Library filled with hundreds of research by other wizards including eda mantor

Guilds and Factions

The Azorius Senate and Boros leigon watch over the town streets but the town tries to govern itself outside of the guilds The izzt and simic have labs and recruitment areas but they are not as powerful and need to pay a good sized tax. This is becauise schoolar square doesn't want guild involvent beyond keeping the streets safe


Eda Mantor is famous for her artifact the blue fountain which had the power of scrying and illusions. However the corrupt leader of a group of Boros soilders sent to watch over her work betrayed Eda and tried to steal the fountain for the Boros. Eda to ensure that the fountain wouldn't be taken by the guild's sent her familiar away and broke open her own staff destroying all her research, killing all the soldiers and teleporting away at the last minute. The explosion wounded Eda greatly and after she managed to give out a final clue to her awakened owl she died of her wounds her hands inside the waters of the blue fountain which had been hidden as a normal fountain inside a nearby public park. Years later the Owl familiar lives on carrying out his master last request ensuring that the fountain is kept hidden and people safe.


People offten visit the most noteably plave the mantor library and the various magic shops. There are inns along streets including "The Inn Of Magic Recovery"


Most of the building are made up of stone with some builds having a tower conected to the side of the building with a window or balcony located for viewing.

Natural Resources

Large veins of silver bellow the surface along with patchs of fertile soil perfect for growing rare plants
Owning Organization


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