The Collector

Their real name Unkown the collector is a black armor warrior that does jobs for people. They are called the collector because they are offten employed by the Orzav to collect money as part of a contract they signed years ago. That contract made it so that they would be hidden away, their name changed and protected. The largest thing on that contract was that their original identity would be erased from their memory, just that it was erased and the contract was made. The Collector will break the contract if they regain their original memroies erased and be punished by the orzhav swiftly. Yet the collector also does not want to know their oriinal identy for whatever reason The collector never disobays an order and will always do whatever it takes to get the job done. Money that must be collected will be collected or their will be punishment. The person under contract knew the price and shoul have read the fine print before signing and no sob story will make me change my mind or job. The person the Collector Works for offten is Boris Red who strongly values him as a loyal and effective employie. The collector has met the Red family at meetings but also at buisness parties and meals after importaint contracts. The Collector really apreciates his love of his family and respectfulness, he even secrely admires his two kids but allways keeps a buisness and level headed mindset. Thus making him a perfect partner.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Black armor, a book of contracts, a Jitte used for nonlethal beatdowns, a large sword for intimidations and when things go wrong, a necklace of gold silver and bronze skulls
Current Location
Black with white pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale skeleton white


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