Abyssm Tsunami

"34 dead and counting still. I don't know how many we'll find, but I can only hope ones alive."   ~ Unknown Disaster Survivor


The Abyssm Tsunami manifested when the Prince of Demons, Demegorgon, manifested in the Clemarian Ocean after a clan of yuan-ti successfully conducted a ritual to manifest him. Pulled from his realm Demegorgon's first act was to churn the ocean. As the waves prorogated a tsunami formed in the center of the ocean and spread in all directions. The shores it hit were devastated not only by the sudden influx of the water, but also by the demonic beings that manifested in its water.   The destruction awoke the slumbering kraken and other malevolent aquatic creatures. At first, they attempted to flee from the power Demegorgan had over them, but their meager wills were nothing compared to him. Soon an army of yuan-ti, krakens, water elementals, and other creatures gathered around the nameless archipelago that he claimed his domain.


The Abyssm Tsunami was a solitary phenomenon that hasn't been repeated in the years since Demegoron was manifested into Aedran. The effects of this destructive event are still felt by the coastal settlements that survived the tsunami. The south eastern coast of Safel was hit hardest by the tsunami due to how close it was to the center of the tsunami’s manifestation. Most settlements have been left abandoned due to the flooded ground and the aquatic creatures that have claimed these destroyed settlements as their new home. The western coast of The Hinterlands have reconstructed most of their coastal settlements. Fish Haven is now home to a large multi-headed reptilian creature that attacks any individuals that attempt to return to the settlement.   The status of islands caught in the tsunamis wake is unknown due to their isolation. The Seeds of Thrul is the only island that was protected from destruction due to the intervention of powerful druids.
Metaphysical, Demonic


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