All Fey Are Evil

"I have never met a good Fey in my life. They only pretend to be good to entrap us into a deal that requires us to serve them for all eternity, steal out youth, or take our children from us. And that's if you're lucky to notice them. They're sneaky little bastards."   ~ Unknown Peasant


It's common for people unfamiliar with they Fey for them to believe that all of them are the same.

Historical Basis

The basis for this belief comes from a time where the Unseelie Court of the Fey was prominent for a long period of time in Aedran during the Age of Umber and Age of War. To mortals the Unseelie Fey were cold, cruel, and always had an ulterior motive for every interaction. When the Seelie Court started to interact with mortal races, they treated them with the same disdain they treated the Unseelie Court. The Seelie Court attempted to mend the wounds that the Unseelie Court wrought but they were unsuccessful in their attempts.


The myth spreads far and wide as parents use the stereotype of all fey being evil to keep children from misbehaving. That stereotype stays until adulthood for most individuals, but those that pursue an education in the esoteric discover that there are different types of Feys that exist. Though they aren't good in the moral sense not all of them seek to seal mortals into servitude nor do they desire first born children. Most are spirits of nature that prefer to be left to themselves.

Variations & Mutation

There are variations that replace the Fey with the different types Djinn in the Dujurian culture. In addition, the tales warns that even though the Djinn can grant wishes once they grant you all three wishes you swap places with the Djinn and are trapped till some poor soul falls ask you to grant them three wishes.


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