All Loss

"There's nothing we can do for her. She's been claimed by All Loss. I would start getting all her affairs in order. Soon she won't even find the energy to wake up and she'll die from either dehydration or starvation. I'm sorry."   ~ Unknown Cleric


The cause for All Loss is unknown, but it's suspected that the disease comes from either an infernal or demonic origin.


All Loss first presents as infrequent depressive episodes. Once the disease progresses the thoughts of depression turn towards self-harm edging towards suicide. Those that don't fall to the depressive episodes and suicidal tendencies start to go without eating or drinking. As their body weakens, they're unable to move under their own power. They will lay in their own refuse suffering from additional diseases that ravage their weakened body. If any additional diseases don't take their lives, then dehydration or starvation claims their life.


There's no known treatment for All Loss. As the individual starts to deteriorate they can only treat the symptoms in attempts to prolonged the patient’s life.


When a physician or cleric identifies a patient that's suffering from All Loss they know the condition is terminal.

Affected Groups

All Loss seems to be non-specific in its infection. All Loss affects individuals of faith slightly more commonly, but it doesn't meet the requirements for specificity.


All Hope cannot be prevented as it seems that the onset of the disease is sudden with no known source. Some old wives tales suggest that leaving a lily of the valley in all the windows at night will keep the disease at bay.


All Loss is a non-infectious disease.

Cultural Reception

When an individual is identified to be suffering from All Loss, they're shunned due to the incorrect assumption that All Loss is infectious and will spread to them. Some niellist cults see All Loss as a blessing from the dark powers that they pray to.
Extremely Rare


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