Carrion Feeder

"You can differentiate a Carrion Feeder from a Zombie by a few key characteristics. Firstly, zombies are dimwitted creatures with little self-preservation. Secondly, they're slow creatures that stumble around in hordes. And lastly, zombies don't feed on other zombies."   ~ Unknown Arcanist Instructor

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

It's unknown how Carrion Feeders reproduce. Scholars suspect that they reproduce while feeding. The current theory is that while the creature feeds, and the conditions are right, the Carrion Feeder will implant a piece of them into a viable body. The necrotic flesh attaches to the body using it as a food source till it comes to term as a full grown Carrion Feeder.

Ecology and Habitats

Carrion Feeders have been reported in temperate and tropical climates. It is believed that Carrion Feeders cannot survive in artic climates due to the cold temperature preserving corpses. The common population believes that Carrion Feeders infest crypts, cemeteries, and graveyards. In reality Carrion Feeders are more common in rural areas with little to no civilization.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carrion Feeder's only source of sustenance is decaying flesh. They are a scavenging species and don't actively hunt for their own food. If they are required to kill in self-defense they will bury the corpse waiting for the decaying process to start before they feed.


Carrion Feeders are solitary creatures that attempt to avoid interactions with other creatures. When they're cornered, they will attempt to emit a high-pitched screeching to denture predators. If the creature is disoriented, they will attempt to flee, but if it doesn't work, they will attack in self-defense.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Carrion Feeders are solitary creatures with little to no interactions with other Carrion Feeders.

Average Intelligence

Carrion Feeders have slightly lower intelligence than the average humanoid. They depend on their natural instincts when it comes to decision making. They're able to solve simple problems and can craft and use basic tools.


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