
"Chimera are a combination of a dragon, a lion, a goat, and a snake. And that's just the standard chimera. Don't get me started on the other variations. We would be here all day and, in all honesty, we don't have enough alcohol to even conceive every combination that can be made."   ~ Unknown Arcanist

Basic Information


The anatomy of chimera is hard to pin down due to the offsprings ability to inherit the physical traits of its parents whether that’s beast, chimera, or other creatures. The most common type of chimera has the head of a dragon, goat, and lion. Its body is that of a lion with the wings of a bat, and the tail of a full-grown snake.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chimera reproduction is similar to that of the platypus. The female makes the nest out of mud and twigs. They gestate for three weeks before they lay a clutch of two to four eggs. After incubating the eggs for 10 days the eggs hatch. Each chimera is different from one another if the parents aren't exactly the same in physical characteristics.

Growth Rate & Stages

When I chimera hatches the parents stay with the hatchling for about three months feeding it, protecting it, and teaching it how to hunt. Between three one to one year the chimera rapidly grows. During that time they leave the nest to claim a territory of their own. At 18 months the chimera has reached sexual maturity and grown to its adult size.

Ecology and Habitats

Chimera can be found in every environment, but are extremely rare in artic and desert environments.

Additional Information


Chimeras were originally wild animals, but some breeds have been domesticated. Domesticated chimera are used as pets and security by wealthy individuals with very exotic taste. Chimeras are selectively breed with other chimera to either preserve certain traits or attempt to have offspring inherit the positive traits of both parents.


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