Crown of Herne

"The Crown of Herne is a blasphemous symbol of Heathen belief. They don't bow to the laws of civilization, nor do they care for those whom can't defend themselves. If you see any bearing the crown or the oaken face slay them, if you do not have the power to slay them report them to your local guard."   ~ Unknown Town Crie


The tradition of wearing the Crown of Herne started during the later years in the Age of War. As churches invaded tribal lands, armies killed looting all they could get their hands on, and with their population starting to dwindle they turned to their guiding spirits and primal forces. As they pleaded with whomever would listen Herne sent an envoy requesting that each tribe send him their strongest hunter. The hunters trekked deep into the Verdant Jungle alone save for their hunting equipment. When they returned, they now bore stag antlers on their foreheads just like those Herne the Hunter bears upon his forehead. With their new found wisdom and guidance the people were able to survive in this time of plight. It is now tradition for leaders to bear the crown as a symbol of the wisdom they've acquired over their life.


The Crown of Herne is modeled off of the stag horns that Herne the Hunter bears upon his head. The Crown of Herne is worn by leaders in a clan dedicated to Herne and his religious practices. The crown can either be physically worn or is tattooed on the individual depending on the traditions of the clan. If the markings are tattooed on the sharpened horn of a stag is used in the tattooing process.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
A Crown of Herne is rare sight in a civilized society, but in rural cultures they're slightly more common. In uncivilized society, if the culture praises Herne, it is common to see the leader of the society to wear the crown when in public or whilst on a hunt.


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