Culling the Weak

"No matter how much they cry, no matter how much they plead, no matter how much beg you must kill. You will kill. If they are too weak to defend themselves, they will die. Be it man, woman, child, or animal they are all prey in our hunt."   ~ Unknown Baphomet Cultist


The culling of the weak has been the bane of many civilizations in rural areas where the cult of Baphomet can practice without any scrutiny from pesky neighbors. The bloodiest culling of the weak took pace during the Age of Umber in the city of Volos, the former capital of Uta'gosh. During the preparation of the ritual one of the members, who suffered from lycanthropy, morphed into an aspect of Baphomet. He slaughtered the Hunt Master in front of the captivated cult. His rage could be felt in all the cultist and roiled over them like a wave. It was too strong for their mortal minds to bear and their psyches broke. In their frenzy, led by the manifested aspect of Baphomet, the cult slaughtered their way through the entire population of Volo till none breathe except for the aspect. In the silence the aspect basked in the glorious slaughter before returning to the Abyss leaving the empty dead husk of its previous host laying atop the mountain of corpses.


The ritual is led by the cult leader, whom is known as the Hunt Master for the duration of the ritual. All the remaining members are the Hunters whose main objective is to claim as many trophies during the ritual to earn the blessing of Baphomet. Once the hunt begins the Hunt Master observes the hunt and slaughter basking in the rage and fear brought on by his hunters. The Hunt Master must also defend himself from Hunters who attempt to slay them to claim them as a trophy and seize control of the cult during this bloodlust filled ritual.


The culling of the weak takes place at irregular intervals seemingly at the whim of the leader of the cult or whenever Baphomet deems it worthy.


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