Eye of Aedran

"The Eye of Aedran should be a tropical climate based on its location, but that's not the case. Its ravaged with hurricanes, earthquakes, and other hazards that shouldn't plague this area. No one has dared to go onto the island for a prolonged expedition to study the phenomenon. I for one can't blame them. Though I want to know why I'm not risking my life for that discovery."   ~ Unknown Explorer


The Eye of Aedran is an island approximetly 1,328 square miles of mostly flatlands.

Localized Phenomena

The Eye of Aedran is plagued by an abnormal amount of destructive natural disasters. Though it doesn't sit on or near a tectonic fault line the island averages about one earthquake every three months. Hurricanes are common here and seem to stay stationary rather than moving with the wind currents. It's theorized that the hurricanes just wane in strength before building back up and ravaging the land again. It is unknown as to what causes this to happen, but it’s speculated that the Eye of Aedran is the center of where the six primal planes touch Aedran.


The Eye of Aedran is a tropical climate all year round. The average temperature is 92 degrees Fahrenheit.


The Eye of Aedran was discovered by an expedition lead by Bliddly Seahopper. Initial observations taken from afar deemed that exploring the island would be extremely dangerous. Biddly chose her best crewmates and they set out to the island on one of their row boats. The choppy waters proved difficult at first but eventually the small band made their way to the shore. As if the island was fighting off them like an infestation the storm started to increase in intensity. The band attempted to continue towards the tree line but the intensity grew too intense for the band to continue forward. Since then, the Eye of Aedran has rebuked any and all that attempted to explore it.


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