Fangs of the Slumbering Drake

"We serve Toka'Grel, Civilizations Ruin. We are the protectors of his sacred grove. We are stand between his domain and the blasphemers of society. We are ever watching. We are ever waiting. We are the Fangs of the Slumbering Drake."   ~ Unknown member of the Fangs of the Slumbering Drake



The Fangs of the Slumbering Drake has 12 members in its ranks at all times.


The Fangs of the Slumbering Drakes weaponry depends on the members preferred fighting style. It can range from no weaponry due to the Fangs innate magical ability to shift into a form that's unable to use weaponry. Or it can be a full assemble of armor and weapons that rivals even the most well-organized military force.



When a Fang reaches their elderly years where it starts to become difficult for them to perform their natural duties, they join the Gaia in their eternal slumber. During their slumber they have dreams of their predecessor. When they awake, they go in search of the individual they dreamed of. When they locate them, they journey back to the Grove of Gaia so the new acolyte can begin their training.


Historical loyalties

The Fang of the Slumbering Drake have been loyal to Toka'grel since their founding. Though devotees of the Civilizations Ruin they only recieved partial guidance and mentorship from him. Most of their mentorship and teachings came from Gaia, the Aedranean nature spirit before the Conflict of Extinction. During the conflict Gaia was gravely wounded at the Eye of Aedran in their attempts to assist the Coalition of Chaos' allies on their assult to reach the Isle of the Eternal Prison. When they returned to the Grove of Gaia they entered a slumber and haven't woken up since. The Fangs now guard her as she slumbers awaiting for her to reawaken.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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