
"Fleshrot as the locals have come to call it mimics the supernatural disease of Mummy Rot, but it has a natural source. Which would be fascinating if it wasn't discovered that exposure to powerful divine, arcane, or a mixture of exposures can cause mutation. What is fascinating about this discovery is that it must be vector carried by mites. There has to be something in the anatomy of the mite’s anatomy dose the bacteria become infectious."   ~ Dr. Alquere

Transmission & Vectors

Fleshrot is transmitted through the bites of mites found in the Valley of Tombs in the terriroty of Ratuiar. Exposure to the decayed flesh, blisters, and bodily fluid of the infected doesn't cause transmission.

Cultural Reception

The first recorded outbreak of Fleshrot was in the settlement of Moria. After a pair of adventurers returned from a successful raid of one of the local tombs they sold their treasure through the town. Unbeknownst to them the items were infected with mites which spread throughout Moria like wildfire. Without having much knowledge of the disease, the clergy and physicians started their research while setting up a quarantine zone. Through weeks of research a cure was discovered by the physicians, but the information was kept secret by the noble and the physicians killed.   When known infected nobles were seen walking around free and cured the populace started to grow curious. After the discovery of the cover up a revolt happened almost instantaneously. The settlement of Moria broke out into civil war. The guards attempted to use non-lethal means to control the violence. Once the quarantine zone was broken the guards resorted to lethal means on the infected and non-infected alike. After three days of conflict the Fleshrot Revolt came to its bloody conclusion. Half the population was now dead, and the settlement of Moria is now an abandoned.


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