
"Grook's are less intelligent than their earth elemental kin on the primal plane of earth. What they lack for intelligence they make up for in ferocity. Their diamond claws rip through their prey’s protection and make digging into the ground easily. Though their bodies are fleshy it's as tough as any tough hides you'll find on Aedran. Oh, I almost forgot the best part! They breath diamonds, and no not like we do, more like how a red dragon breathes fire."   ~ Unknown Scholar

Basic Information


A Grooks anatomical structure is similar to that of a star-nosed mole on the world of Aedran. Unlike the star-nosed moles the grook has a diamond exoskeleton across the dorsal portion of their torso similar to that of a Bulette. The underside of the grooks torso is soft, in terms of creatures on the primal plane of earth, allowing them to sense vibrations in the ground. They also have diamond claws to assist with breaking through the hard carapace of their preys and also one of the few ways they defend themselves. They have a pouch in their esophagus, called a crop, that constantly applies pressure to rocks they've swallowed. Unlike avian creatures in Aedran this isn't utilized for digestion it's used to crush rocks into diamonds. These diamonds are expelled to either harm prey or used as a self-defense mechanism.

Genetics and Reproduction

Grooks reproduce once every three years. They reproduce sexually like mammals on Aedran do. The mother gestates for approximately 45 days and gives birth to a litter that averages around four to six pups.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Grooks feed on infant purple worms and other insects that burrow underground.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Grooks have a few partially liquid filled organs that assist them with detecting vibrations in their surroundings. Their noses have multiple nerve endings assisting with navigation. Their sense of smell is almost non-existence.


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