Gulka the Ever Changing

"My form is immutable for I have no true form. I am all things and I am nothing at once. None know my true form for even I don't know if I have a true form. Some think me a Mimic. Others a Doppelgänger. I am Gulka nothing more."   ~ Gulka, The Ever Changing

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gulka's physical condition is dependant on the form they decide, or are forced, into. Unlike other shapechangers Gulka doesn't have complete control over their shape changing abilities. Though they may wish to make themselves a strong, stocky human male they may end up with all, some, or even none of those qualities.

Special abilities

Gulka's senses have been enchanced by the bestial forms that they've taken throughout their lives. In addition, they have an unaturally prolonged life due to their bodies constant changes of their form.

Mental characteristics


Gulka doesn't identify with any sexual orientation nor do they seek a sexual partner in any fashion.

Mental Trauma

Gulka has been hunted constantly during their life for being incorrectly accused of being a melevolant shape changer. This has caused her to have an inate fear of any creature that has the ability to hunt. This has manifested into a chronic introverted personality that only fades when interacting with another shape changer.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Gulka's ability to have an ever-changing form is as much of a blessing as it is a curse. Due to their multiple forms they're vulnerable to many of the same banes that afflict the species it changed into.   Gulka likes to indulge in hallucinogenic substances at a very frequent rate to the point of a possible addiction. The substance of choice is ever changing dependent on the form Gulka is currently in. Whatever form they're in the have a natural instinct of what substances will cause a hallucinogenic effect.


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