
"A once prideful race was slaughtered to near extinction due to their suspected curse of lycanthropy. A travesty if you ask me. I believe our society would be completely different if they were left alone. Divines only know what would have changed."   ~ Unknown Pathfinder


Common Dress code

The Nagori dress for comfort and protection utilizing leathers and natural fibers. If available, the Nagori will utilize worked metal in their protective armors. Jewelry is commonly made out of beads, bones, and glass. Jewelry is commonly worn as charms and necklaces.

Foods & Cuisine

Nagori prefer to hunt, fish, and grow their own food. There's no cultural or religious dietary restriction the Nagori follow.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The different clans of the Nagori all practice a nomadic tradition due to their previous generations slaughter. They have an intrinsic fear that their people will be the subject of genocide once again. Other than that, all the different clans have different traditions they observe based on the different environments and spirits they're exposed to in their nomadic ways.   The Nagori base their traditions on the element that calls to their clan.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a Nagori is expecting a child, each clan has different rites. A common rite all the clans share though is the Rune of Steltar. A Rune of Steltar is painted onto the stomach of a female when she has been pregnant for three full moons. The rune is believed to protect the fetus from changing whilst still in the womb protecting not only the mother but the mother too.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Nagori's traditions dictate that the body of a Nagori must return to nature so they may nurture the future just as they were nurtured by their ancestors. The surviving family members conduct the rites to cleanse the body to ready them to their return to nature. When cleansed the body is taken to the clans hunting grounds the body is ritualistically cut to compel scavengers and other creatures to feast upon the body.


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