Order of the Windfallen

"We're not in the order for glory nor accolades. We're a part of a movement to ensure that wealth isn't horded by the greedy or the 'kindhearted' individuals in power. We don't steal from the rich, we just redistribute the stolen wealth of the masses."   ~ Unknown Windfallen


Members of the order despise the hoarding of wealth in any shape and form. This dislike runs deep enough that the order even scopes out dragon hordes from chromatic and metallic dragons alike.

Public Agenda

The Order of the Windfallen is public knowledge, though its members are unknown, and acceptance of the organization varies widely from civilization to civilization. It’s common for the peasantry to be more accepting of the order and even welcoming them into their own homes. In tyrannical governments the populace is more hostile towards the organization knowing that any association with them will result in them being punished as well.   The orders main mission is to redistribute the ill-gotten and hoarded wealth of the rich to the populace in need. A secondary mission of the order is that they monitor trade amongst kingdoms to observe for potential hiding of assets.


The Order of the Windfallen was founded by a group of adventurers aptly named Windfallen in the 15th year of the Age of Renewal. After the successful raid on an abandoned cathedral the group returned to the city of Untor. As the goods were being sold and the gold flowed, they could see the eyes of the greedy staring at them, but they also saw the sallow faces of the starved and forgotten. It started out as small gestures of buying food to deliver to houses, then purchasing land and making a refuge for the downtrodden, to the culmination of giving the profits of their adventures to the peasantry.

Kindness for All

Activist, Charity


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