Pauper Stew

"The name may make it seem very unappetizing, but trust me it’s not as bad as it sounds. The name Pauper Stew comes from the traditional name from when adventurers were poor vagrants. Now it can range from shoe leather all the way to exotic meats and vegetables that are to die for."   ~ Unknown Bard

Manufacturing process

Pauper stew starts by bringing the broth to a boil. While the broth is coming to a boil the meat is browned and seared, if required. The vegetables are then chopped to the chefs desired size. Once the broth is boiling the meat, vegetables, herbs, and spices are added to the stew. The mixture is stirred occasionally for about 30 minutes. The stew can be served as is, cooled, or stored in glass jars for future consumption.


There's no cultural significance that pauper stew has played in any culture. When chefs start their apprenticeship most first learn how to make pauper stew. Each chef has their own personal touches that they most commonly utilize when they find employment.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Pauper stew is very common for consumption not only while out adventuing, but also has become common place at establishments that serve as places of respite for weary adventures.
Raw materials & Components
The ingredients for pauper stew are variable dependent on taste, culture, and available resources at the time of making. The most common ingredients in pauper stew are beef broth, some cut of beef, onions, carrots, celery, salt, pepper, thyme, and rosemary. A common modification made in the recipe is the spices as most individuals find the original recipe to bland. Each race has their own cultural standard for their pauper stew.
A knife, pot, and spoon are all that's needed to make pauper stew. More complicated tools can be used to modify the stew in many different ways.


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