Reclamation of Arcet

"The Reclamation of Arcet is nothing more than Arcetian propaganda. They think they have claim to a land lost to them during their defeat of the Arcetian Revolt. It is meaningless drivel that should be ignored."   ~ Unknown Nyxian Officer


After the death of the Raven King the Arcetian people were scattered and leaderless. Small factions started to sprout up in attempts to either get back at the Iron Vanguard for past slights, to work towards making peace amongst the populace, or to reclaim their ancestral home. Those that wanted to reclaim their home all found their way under the command of Catheren Blood Iron, a former noble from a prestigious family.   When Catheren's forces were at a viable strength, she drafted a decree to the government of the Iron Vanguard that she was reclaiming the land in the name of the Arcetian people.

Historical Details


Before it's rebirth from a cataclysmic destruction Arcet was the main source for adamantine and other precious ores. Over time, the noble families used legislation and wealth to ensure all the profits from the selling of ore lined their pockets. A revolt, under the guidance of the Raven King, usurped the nobles and stalled the exportation of the precious metals. The revolt ended two years after it started and resulted in the utter destruction of Arcet.

Public Reaction

When the decree was made public the Iron Vanguard manipulated the wording to make it sound like it was a declaration of war against all of Safel. This spurned individuals to conduct violent acts against Arcetians, even those not involved with the conflict. Rebellious Arcetians knew the government was most likely lying to them about what the actual contents of the decree and sought out the rebels to join their cause.


The Reclamation of Arcet has an indefinate term.
Decree, Governmental


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