Revenant of Anguish

"Dark emotions will manifest stronger than any other. Why do you think even the mightiest heroes fall to corruption? It's because not even they are immune to the evil that lies within their heart. I've learned this lesson. Personally."   ~ Revenant of Anguish

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the Revenant of Anguish existed, they originally were Knight Ezekial a member of the Order of the Light Keeper. During their service they purged evil from corrupt officials to supernatural beings that threaten innocence. Once they rose to the rank of Knight they discovered a deep-seated corruption within the organization. To make matters worse they discovered that some of their missions were meant to further the interest of higher-ranking individuals. When they attempted to weed out the corruption they were excommunicated and killed.   As Knight Ezekial's spirit plummeted into the darkness of death, they cursed those responsible for their deaths. As the darkness seeped into their being they started to embrace the darkness that promised him revenge. To them what seemed like an instant, but in actuality was three years, their spirit manifested back into the material plane. Their new form had a supernatural sense of direction to the location of those responsible for their death.   With malice in their heart, they hunted down each and every individual with no care for what got in their way. When they captured their victims, they made them suffer as they suffered from the anguish of discovering that the holy order is corrupt as the evil they fight. As the death toll started rise the former Knight heard rumors of its existence being spoken. The Order of the Light Keeper named them Revenant of Anguish. An apt name for the suffering it would inflict on those who committed the evil deeds. Once all their original targets were killed the Revenant of Anguish started to hunt all members of holy orders seeing them all as corrupt and evil.


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