Shield Construct

"It's so odd how Darlene names some of her stuff. Like her shield construct. Why would she name something that's just meant to protect her? It's not like it has a soul or anything. Maybe she's sick or on drugs."   ~ Unknown Noble


A shield construct is attuned to an amulet or ring when constructed. When the wearer is attuned to the jewelry the construct is bound to service and protect them till a new individual attunes to the jewelry or the construct is destroyed. The shield construct has the supernatural ability to absorb some harmful effects or wounds that their charge would be exposed to. The construct can only take a limited amount of damage before it starts affecting its form and abilities. One the limit is reached the construct deactivates and requires repair.


A shield construct can be made into any shape and any metallic material that the crafter desires. Most individuals prefer for their construct to be bipedal humanoid shapes. A few have their construct be in the shape of beast such as bears, horses, or hawks. The form doesn't affect the functionality but the tolerance for damage changes significantly based on the form chosen. Once the form has been made the arcanist starts the enchanting the construction.

Social Impact

The people who have shield constructs in their service feel more protected and that sometimes leads to a false sense of security.
Access & Availability
Shield constructs are expensive so seeing them is very rare unless the owner is wealthy and has arcane talents or knows someone who has arcane talents. You won't find a shop that sells these constructs in any city in Aedran excluding the Beatrice's Magic Emporium. In Sigil there are a few shops that sell these constructs but getting to Sigil is a task onto its self.


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