Sorrow Glass

"The Shadowfell is a dark and dreary place that threatens to consume every fragment of good in our hearts. Luckily for us Morrigan the Mother of Ravens, Mother of Fate, Mother of Death has blessed her people with a way to protect ourselves from the harshest realities of this plane. I present you a charm made of sorrow glass. It'll keep us safe."   ~ Mortis, Acolyte of Life and Death

Mechanics & Inner Workings

There are many theories on how sorrow glass works. The first theory is that it works like a dream catcher by intercepting the negative energies of the plane. The other theory is that the sorrow glass reflects the negative energies back leaving the owner unaffected.


Sorrow glass has no significant historical events that has depended on the material being there. There are historical records of heroes and villains alike utilizing the material to protect themselves while in the Shadowfell. It is common to see acolytes of Morrigan to have either small fragments of sorrow glass in their possession or they have items made entirely of sorrow glass they utilize during their religious rites or in their weaponry.


Sorrow glass is a phenomenon exclusive to the domain of the Shadowfell that Morrigan controls. The glass is made from a naturally occurring translucent quartz and exposure to the sorrowful memories of the spirits that arrive into Morrigan's domain and Her Palace of Memories.   Sorrow glass plays a significant role in the religious rites of Morrigan. When one of Her followers are conducting final rites during a funeral, they utilize tools made of sorrow glass to conduct these rites. Her followers believe that these tools protect them from restless spirits and possession from demonic, infernal, or spiritual influences
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Sorrow glass is a rare material due to it being exclusively found in the domain of Morrigan.


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Aug 6, 2024 21:14

Hmmm, but does it protect them, this is a great way to question what a reader believes about the things they use in their lives. Great way to draw someone in.