Spark Stone

"The tales of Spark Stone are common amongst the sentient automations of Utagosh. I would have never expected creations without a soul to be able to have the ability to create a culture. No one knows the location of Spark Stone, if it exists, or even existed in the first place. Legends usually have a fraction of truth in them, but this one has nothing but hopes and dreams."   ~ Unknown Travele


Spark Stone is a legend that is told by the sentient automations offering them comfort in their eternal search for the answer if there's an afterlife for them or not. Little do these individuals know that Spark Stone is a physical place in the Outlands. Though the town is not beholden to any particular realm it resides in an area that's influenced by Mechanus and Arcadia. This special balance between both realms offers Spark Stone a unique ability to not only cater to automations, but also living creatures.   Spark Stone was founded by a devotee of Primus, Knight Tungstinian Copperkilt, once their service to Primus was concluded. During their service Kinght Copperkilt saw no place for automations like them in the multiverse except to become part of the Primal Soulway to be reincarnated into a primal being. With the new found power they gathered during their service Knight Copperkilt founded a small village and named it Spark Stone. With the village established Knight Copperkilt conducted a pilgrimage to the Palace of Memories to petition for an audience with Morrigan. When they were granted the audience Knight Copperkilt pleaded for her to send the souls of the automations to Spark Stone instead of the Primordial Soulway. The negotiations took two weeks, but eventually both Morrigan and Knight Copperkilt came to an agreement on Spark Stone being the new afterlife of automations. Since then, Spark Stone has been the resting place for the souls of automations since.


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