Gloomy Outlook Geographic Location in Realm of Emotions | World Anvil

Gloomy Outlook

In a billow above the Earth, where the clouds beneath your paws rumble and send jolts up your spine, few dare venture into the belly of the beast.   The Gloomy Outlook is a region of the Realm of Emotions, which does not fall under the Kingdom of Caring nor the Silver Lining. The Gloomy Outlook is an extremely wild and even dangerous land, where no bear, cousin, nor bad crowder ought to step foot.   The Gloomy Outlook contains an overwhelming amount of toxic negative energy. This energy, unlike the kind the bad crowders of the Silver Lining harness, seems cyclical and actively harmful towards others. Despite best attempts, nothing has been able to dispel or use this energy in a healthy way. This is the main reason why it is seen as uninhabitable.   In all the history of the Realm of Emotions, no claim or law has been laid upon this land for varying reasons. It remains a land that, if one is brave enough, could be seen as the wild outlands to escape society within. However, that bravery would come at the cost of your better judgement...


The Gloomy Outlook, as with anything in the Realm of Emotions, is settled on clouds. On top of these foundational clouds is ground, rocky terrain, and grass. The Gloomy Outlook has many different biomes and terrains contained within it, such as groves of evergreens and steep, snowy mountains.   The true extent of this land is unknown, as no exploration team has managed to get far enough in without perishing or needing to retreat.

Localized Phenomena

It has been reported that fog emerges from the grounds constantly, and the lands persistently smell of petrichor.   Some brave explorers have also reported watching clouds emerge and split off from the ground, then raining down liquid energy that burned as if acid had begun to rain down from the skies. However, a bad crowder who experienced the same phenomena reported it felt, at first, rejuvenating. However, after further exposure, they then said it began to burn and itch until it began to feel unbearable. This phenomena has been dubbed a Hatestorm.   Other phenomena, such as the ground beginning to charge with electricity and send out angry bolts (known as Rolling Fizz), have been reported but not thoroughly observed as of yet.


Over the long history of the Realm of Emotions, no one has ever successfully laid claim to the Gloomy Outlook.   The oldest attempt known to historians was by a wandering sleuth lead by Headstrong Song Bear. Headstrong believed he could conquer the land's rolling negativity, however his brother, War Song Bear, believed that the energy was so toxic no bear could possibly survive.   The brothers clashed and argued for days until, finally, they decided to split apart. Their sleuth split in half, one left to find safer settlement and the other entered the Gloomy Outlook. It is believed that Headstrong and his group perished, while War Song left to eventually discover the land that would become the Kingdom of Caring.   Another attempt known of was the crowd lead by Bjørn, who was sure that the bleak negativity of the Gloomy Outlook could be harnessed into a more healthy form of negative energy and emotions. However, Bjørn's crowd would soon emerge, missing a few of their members and Bjørn himself, to declare the land was fit for no bad crowder, the energy completely incompatible with the kind they could harness.
Included Organizations


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Sep 8, 2023 03:57

I love this world already! I've only read two articles, and now I'm really worried about Bjørn. Is he ever going to escape the Gloomy Outlook?

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Dec 20, 2023 09:09

I hadn't seen this til today (got a lil' burnt out on worldbuilding, lol!) but I really do I appreciate your support via reading! I'm also quite glad to hear that!   As for Bjørn... I can't say much, seeing as one day I hope to turn this into a proper campaign, but I will promise to be nice to poor Bjørn and give him at least some kind of happy ending lol

Dec 21, 2023 07:46

Oof, sorry to hear about the burnout. It hurts to lose the enjoyment of making something. I hope you're not permanently singed. Will you drop me a notification if you do publish more here? I don't play in campaigns, but I do love good writing, and what you have here and in Bjørn's article is very good.

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Dec 24, 2023 23:44

I will! I really do appreciate the support, and it's been nice to meet you!