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Judacam, Angel of Judgement

Eldest Son

  Judacam is the eldest of the One God's angels, and is the most loyal. He is the One God's holy judge, and is one of his three direct generals. He sits in the One God's left hand, awaiting his creator's orders with great anticipation. He leads all his brothers into battle against Tennibrin's demonic hoard, aids in protecting the mortal races from Tennibrin's influence.   This struggle has been long, and filled with sorrow and suffering. Even Judacam has questioned the One God's long-term goal. Though he is not immune to having questions run through his head, his angelic purity prevents these questions from turning into corruption.  
Though my mind is weary, and my hands bloodied, my thoughts astray, and my heart wrenched with sorrow, you are my creator, my Lord, and thy will is the only will. Your light will guide us to conquer sin.   -Judacam to the One God

General of Angelic Armies

  Judacam, Angel of Judgement, is the One God's most trusted general, and for good reason. He knows, and is loyal to his purpose. He was crafted to be a leader, and as such, he will lead. His army of angels is greater than any army composed by mortals, is in many ways greater than Tennibrin's brood of demons.   He is only the first of the One God's three angelic generals. Each one leads an army of their own. Though, out of all of them, Judacam's army is the greatest, and strongest. One thousand angels strong, each one a being of vast divine power, and incapable of death. Judacam has led many battles against the demons that make up Tennibrin's brood. Each time, he has emerged victorious.  

War of the Divine, and Infernal

  While Tennibrin lies dormant in his prison, his sinful seeds have grown into a very dark crop. His sinful temptation among the mortals has turned many of them into dark beings to firmly planted in Tennibrin's influence to be saved. They too must be imprisoned in the same realm as their dark master, where that can do no further harm.   This was the purpose of the angels. This, and to protect the mortals whose hearts are still loyal to the One God. He has led battles in both the divine realm, and the physical. On the physical realm, his battles are fought by his "Agents". Mortals that wield his divine power. To gain power from any angel, one must devote themselves to carrying out the teachings of these angels, and promise never to fall into Tennibrin's dark temptations.  

Agents of the Divine

  Judacam, like most angels, is able to grant divine power to those who carry out his teachings, and who fight to preserve what is good. One must devote themselves to the service of the divine realm. Be it to the One God, to the One God's grand plan, or to the One God's angelic armies. To hold this power, one must never view themselves as the ones to cast judgement, as this is simply not a mortal's place.   To hold his power, one must seek justice, not judgement. While the two are not mutually exclusive from one another, they are not the same either. It is possible to achieve justice without the judgement of mortals. Instead, he gives his followers the ability to call upon himself, and allow him to give his own judgement. Angels are made to be perfect. The mortals have lost their perfection. With this loss of perfection comes an inability to pass just judgement.   This by no means that agents of Judacam's name cannot kill. While death is a form of judgement, not all death, or even killing is a result of judgement. However, an agent of Judacam can only take a life in self-defense. Never in retaliation, and never out of anger. If one were to lash out, and deal out their own judgement, no matter how close to perfection they think this judgement is, it never can be. Because of this, they feed Tennibrin's quest to undo the One God's perfection, and as such have betrayed the divine realm. Any agent to break their oath has their power stripped away from them, and have the gates to the divine realm closed in their presence after they have died.   Out of all the angels, Judacam's agents are most numerous, and the most loyal to their oaths. Every single one of them reject the label given to them by those outside of their ranks, the title of "Maznia's Holy Judges". Judacam's agents are not judges, they are not the jury, they are not the executioners. They merely bring those who need judgement before Judacam, and let their him pass his perfect judgement.


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