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Son of the One God

  Tennibrin was created after Maznia's completion. Crafted by the One God's hands, from a fragment of the One God's self. He took the name, Tennibrin, and unlike the other creations, he was allowed to choose his form. He chose a form that made him the most beautiful of all the One God's crations. Because he was crafted from a fragment of the One God's self, he was called the One God's son, and wielded nigh equal power. The purpose of his creation was to aid the One God in governing the newly crafted world called Maznia. He was instructed to serve the mortals' needs, and to be a shepherd to them. In order to appear before the mortals, he was forced to wear a mask of the purest gold. The mask was to shield the mortals from his berfect beauty.   Tennibrin was thoroughly unimpressed by the mortals' propensity for imperfection, and their total lack of power. At first, he told himself that this was why he must be a shepherd to them, and was loyal to his cause. He conversed with his father regarding this, and asked why they were made so imperfect, and weak. To which he answered, "I desired children to whom I may teach. To whom I may guide. I desired children to explore my creation, and to look upon it with wonder, and awe. I wanted children who would look to me for guidance, and who would call me "Father". If they were perfect, and powerful, they would not have reason to do any of what I desire them to do. It is their imperfection that makes them perfect. I am sorry if it may seem otherwise, but I love you just as I love them. You are all my creation. You are all perfect in your own way. It breaks my heart to see such a distain between you two."  

Father of Sin

  Tennibrin's heart remained unchanged. He still had a dislike of the mortals, and believed that he should not have to serve them. He believed that in all his own power, an all his perfection, it should be the mortals that serve him. He is the superior being, and could end the mortals on a whim if he so desired. That alone was reason enough to have the mortals bow to him in his own mind. He knew his father would not approve of this. The One God would likely use the "You are both equally perfect." argument. An argument that Tennibrin knew was false.   His solution was to revoke the mortals of their apparent "perfection" in every possible way. He introduced a new concept into their hearts. Something that rejected the One God, and brought them closer to himself. They called this concept "Sin". Tennibrin rather liked that name. Those that turned their allegiance over to him were warped, and changed. Physically, and spiritually. They became slaves to Tennibrin's will. In a single day, he forged an empire of slaves that served his will. But, it wasn't enough. He wanted total domain over not just Maznia, but over his father. In his own mind, his father had no ambition, and deserved to bow before him.  

Father Against Son

  It did not take long at all for the One God to see the destruction caused by his son. When confronted with this, Tennibrin proudly wore his deeds, and proclaimed himself to be the only perfect being. He attacked the One God in an attempt to conquer the divine realm, and to rule over all his father created. In response, the One God banished Tennibrin from the divine realm, but in turn gave him direct access to the mortal world. This would not stand, and the One God needed a solution as soon as possible.   His battle with Tennibrin had weakened him to the point of being unable to leave the divine realm, and Tennibrin was weakened to the point of being unable to leave the mortal realm. However, the One God could still in some ways interact with the mortal realm. His solution became clear. He would select a champion to rise, and fight for him. He would select a champion to save the mortal realm from Tennibrin's dark grasp. The strongest, purest, and most loyal mortal in existence at the time, and to ever exist was the Leonin emperor, Lious. He was the only mortal capable of fully resisting Tennibrin's influence, and had faith in the One God that rivaled that of the dragons.   Lious accepted the One God's commission, and received great power, equal to that of the entire divine realm. He donned armor, and bore weapons forged by the One God himself, and was ready to march forth to face Tennibrin. At first, Tennibrin thought this a mere mortal just like all others, and was rearing to smith the lesser thing. When the Leonin rebuked the strike, and followed up with a strike sufficient to deal harm to Tennibrin, he knew exactly what this was.   The battle between the two beings was long, and fierce. Both held sufficient power to be incapable of death, and both were immensely powerful. Three days of battle had passed before Tennibrin was brought to his knees. Three days of conflict. Three days of suffering indescribable. Tennibrin was still incapable of death however. Instead, Lious would send Tennibrin to a pocket realm that was only a void where his power simply did not exist. This realm is where Tennibrin sits, and slowly goes mad. His form has since been warped from the perfection he was made in, to a form of pure sin.   While Tennibrin himself no longer has dominion over the mortal realm, he left his seeds behind. These seeds have since grown into a brood he calls his own. Those who gave in to Tennibrin's influence have become his Demons. They are many, and they infest every crack and crevasse of the mortal realm, searching for ways to stir up sin, and to free their master from his prison.

Cover image: Tennibrin, Son of the One God
Character Portrait image: Tennibrin, Father of Sin


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