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The One God

The Original Being

  For an eternity before Maznia's creation, there was only the One God. The One God bore no name, nor did he need one. There was only him, and the endless void that surrounded him. There was no shape, no light, no color, no physical form to anything except his own. His own physical form was one of pure light. His golden radiance was nearly enough to fill the void in and of itself. This glow reflected his power, and desire for creation. He had a desire to fill the void which surrounded him, and that is what he did.  


  The One God's desire to fill the void that surrounded him was in and of itself the most powerful desire ever to exist. From this desire, he shaped for himself a blank sphere of dirt and rock. Perfectly smooth, and dry. Perfect for unleashing his own creativity. He lit this sphere with a sun in the distance, and lit the night with two moons. Now, he was ready to give greater shape, and beauty to his perfect sphere. He made the seas, and the continents, and islands. He pulled great mountains from the ground.   He covered the land in all manner of plant and animal life, and filled the sea with the same. He gave the land all sorts of color. He imbued the entire world with many forms, and sources of magic. This magic filled the atmosphere, and pulled islands out of the sea, and into the sky. He gave this world many things that all made it beautiful. Still, it was just shy of perfection. He was still quite lonely, and there was nothing to explore the beautiful land which he had laid forth.   His next creations would serve this purpose. He made the elves to master magic, and explore the surface. He made the dwarves to master metal, and explore beneath the surface. He made the humans to work the soil, and master the elements which he had created. These first three races named their world, Maznia. These beings were his children, and he loved them ever so much, and he blessed them with free will. However, in blessing them with free will, he foresaw a need to give them, and the world itself a group of protectors.   His next creations would serve this purpose. He made the Leonin from the lions, the Aevon from the birds, and the Canis from the wolves. The Leonin preotected the elves, dwarves, and humans by use of the sword, and shield. The Aevon protected them through use of arcane, and divine magics. The Canis would protect them by use of the bow, and arrow, and reinforcing the virtue of kinship. Now that his world was full, and perfect, he required aid in maintaining it.   His next creation would serve this purpose. His most powerful, and most beautiful creation, which he named Tennibrin was brought forth to help him in this task. He allowed Tennibrin to choose his own form, and gave him the same free will the six mortal races had. Tennibrin chose his beautiful form, and was at first loyal to his creator...  

The Fall

  An age of peace, and perfection followed Maznia's creation. There was no anger, no sorrow, no illness, no fear, no sin. At least, among the mortals. Among the divine, Tennibrin grew tired of his original purpose, being to govern the mortal world, and serve the mortals' needs. In an act of rebellion against the One God, he imbued the hearts and minds of the mortals with a new, dark concept. This concept being sin. He wrapped these new thoughts in a neat little package that promised power, and freedom.   The One God confronted Tennibrin on this, demanding to know why. Tennibrin made known just how much his own pride had corrupted him. In that moment, Tennibrim lashed out at the One God directly. The One God rebuked him, casting him into a realm that was supposed to serve as his prison.   While Tennibrin was in this prison, the One God needed a way to undo the corruption. He refused to take back the blessings he had gifted the mortals with. None more so than that of their free will. Instead, he made another race. He made them much larger, and much wiser than all other races combined. He made them quadrupedal, with very reptilian features, and great wings. When they awoke, they called themselves the Dragons. Their purpose was to help guide the still loyal Deitaran Empire. They were more loyal to the One God than the Leonin, and wiser than the wisest of elves, with many times the arcane prowess.  

War of the Divine, and Infernal

  Eventually, Tennibrin would break free of his prison. His once perfect form was warped into something else. Something that can only be described as hate taken a physical form. He brought with him an army of dark things which he called Demons, and unleashed them upon the mortal world. In response, the One God created an army of his own. Modeling them off of the many races he had made. He called this army his Angels., and assigned to them the protection of the loyal empire.   His most loyal angel was Vitia, his Angel of Life. A war between the divine, and the infernal ensued. As this war waged, he saw Tennibrin preparing to strike down Maznia as a whole. Unable to reach Tennibrin, but able to send someone to him, the One God chose his most loyal creation. This creation was not an angel, not a Dragon, but a Leonin. Emperor Lious. Lious only had to stop Tennibrin momentarily to stop the act, to reduce Tennibrin's power making it impossible to destroy Maznia.   He communed with Lious, blessing him with great divine power equal to that of Tennibrin, and giving him a great task, the task to subdue the dark prince. He watched Lious do so, watched as he was about to strike down the embodiment of evil, and spoke out. "Your task is complete. Return home to me, son. Through you, Maznia lives on." Lious pulled away the blade given to him by the One God. Tennibrin struck him down, and his soul was returned directly to the One God's hands. As a reward for his devotion, he made Lious his direct general, to rule over all other Angels, and said that he would return some day soon.   Now, he watches over Maznia with sorrowful eyes, and longs to undo the corruption that has seeped into his once perfect creation. However, he cannot directly pull the corruption away without also taking away his creation's free will. They must return to him on their own.


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