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The first fighting

The Conflict


When Talios first created the world and unwittlingly split their essence, Morn Draeco and Morn Glorkin were new and naive with only their creation inluencing their actions. There seemed to be an irrevocable feud between them already as The lord of skies desired to be free from all things and The Lord of Land wanted to impose his order on everything.


Both Parties hoped the last porion of their once united spirit would agree with them forcing the other into submission and becoming the leader of the new world. To the suprise of both, she who would become Morn Valshor saw both as rash and shortsighted. Morn Draeco could only comprehend his won existence and refused to believe the other two were anything but aspects split from himself and Morn Glorlok wanted to tame the winds and the skies and stop them from moving and so the third aspect wandered away to find themself.


The surroundings at the time were the flat and barren lands in the center of The continent.

The Engagement

Morn Draeco was the first to lose his temper at his advisaries percieved rebellion. He threw the entire sky at the land beneath him creating a clarge crater in the area. Morn Glorlok was forced into defensive posturing and could only resist his sibling's ceaseless attacks for many centuries until the third aspect finally realised themselves and both parties were distracted by the beggining of Morn Valshor. Morn Glorlok ran west towards his new sibling in hope of support for he was wounded. Just as he reached the start of the western continent in what would become eastern Glakonia or The Order of Meil, he struck at the sky creating a vast mountain range. This forced The Draec Lord back where he made a huge mistake. This fight had caused him to believe Talios had made a mistake in creation and began to uncreate the world with the spirit of Talios he had inherited. This made the ever patient Morn Valshor choose the side of Morn Glorkin temporarily and drawring the ocean into the sky she thre a spear of water at Morn Draeco trapping him in The Great Lake. thus ended the first fighting.

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