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The Drukhvaa War

A Historical and Unforgettable Legend of the first Dragonborn, Tredya Velsh and his movement to remove the lost and ancient Dra'kaya.


In the beginning, when Vorell had been created by our Ancient ancestors and creators, Vorell had been guarded by the legendary Dragons of the Realm. We had been dominated and subjugated to be followers of their knowledge, wisdom, charity and power. We saw these enormous and prideful Dragons as Titans. We had been subjects to do their bidding as they were our kings, with their power to control events, time, space and law within the Realm. We hadn't held a simple spell until sometime, where they held abilities that could very well be God-like abilities. Champions as we called them.   The Titans all were immortal, as they were created to become beings to protect the Realm from our certain dooms. Cataclysms, disasters, plagues, war or even death for some. They all were named, Zyriod (Poison and Toxins), - Frerrarth (Ice and Cold), - Xusseiphan (Lightning and Thunder), - Draveg (Creation and Nature), - Undrinas (Sun and Flames), - Phelyd (Seas and Oceans), - Zirvulal (Speed and Stars), - Geildur (Domination and Conflict), - Skilik (Judgment and Order), - Rivelle (Space and Balance), - Vesurounth (Life and Death).   One day, hundreds of years later, there had been a woman who grew attached to the Dragon one day. She grew from no where and had nothing, but the Dragon had gifted her sympathy and emotions. They bonded over time then she fell in love with the Dragon. Her destiny ended up to collide with her as she grew pregnant with a baby. Unfortunately, for the other Champions, this is unsettling and unjustly. They punish Rivelle to remove the possible child from her stomach, but Rivelle refuses. Vesurounth, being the strikingly unbalanced one, uses more of his deathly ability to remove Rivelle from the charters of the pantheon. It had taken a sheer number of Rivelle's strength to free himself from Vesurounth's clutches as they consider this a betrayal. Vesurounth then orders the hunt for this woman and orders the Champions to find and kill her, declaring this to be a possible threat to the realm and belief.   It was not just a hunt, but an inquisition, as all the Champions would declare a voyage across every narrow sea, crevice, civilization, camp, even puddle to locate this woman. Ordering their followers and worshippers to obey or they would be punished until death, but as far as they could be sure, there was nothing. The mother had given birth to the child, seeing him for the first time, it was a dragon with the shape of a humanoid. She knew she couldn't keep the child as it would be a self sacrifice to bear the child and raise it in a state of chaos like this. With her own caretakers and guides, she orders them to care for the newborn as they must understand there cannot be anymore running.    As time goes by, to the Dragonborn's birth 21st birthday, Tredya asks of the mother and father, where he came from for so long. They decide to tell him of his origins. He never seen any other Dragonborn children playing in the fields or roads, and why with all the solitude and caution from distancing from his home? They explain all of this to have him learn that he is the son of the Champion, Rivelle. He takes it for himself to discover where he came from, of course the family denied this, but he ignored this and left anyways.   In his travels he met an Elven Lady, by the name of Tefalye. A former warrior and sworn protector for the former Queen of the lands within Relhava's borders. He had met a Tiefling, by the name of Credzak. A half-demon who wishes to learn the potential abilities in which these Champions bestow. Tredya had begun to travel north to witness the memorial of who his father was. He learns of the chaos the Dragons are inflicting, now using their powers to use Vorell as a place for domination now, understanding the species are weak against their own protectors, not even the Celestial's of Nhedeus could save the realm. Vesurounth is the one overseeing these actions as a means to not allow the worship, but enforce domination.    Tredya had saved a village from destruction from one of these Champions, Geildur. After leading his small push with such courage, the town's citizens thought of this as suicide, as even if they wanted to, no one has even stabbed a Dragon. Until they have seen the strange humanoid pierce the neck of a Champion with his magical and enlarged blade. This forced Geildur to rethink his approach, now feeling pain from mortals, he flies away from the town. This would gain respect from the citizens, making friends, allies, bonds and soon a resistance. It wasn't much but it began with over twenty brave men and women to declare war against these enormous celestial-born monsters, as Tredya's first action, he wishes to visit the memorial of Rivelle along the island that is later to be known as Erandur. It was said the statue of his father spoke to him and revealed to everyone of his ability to become a Revenant to serve Nhedeus now. Gifted him his abilities and shared magic to everyone who followed him.   Days go by where he holds an army of hundreds that now hold magic. An attribute in which the Dragons grow nervous of. A member of Vorell has never casted a spell in their lifetimes, until now. So a fight has erupted and Tredya grows to become Deimaga (Champion of Mortals). With his Draconic abilities to form into what they are, he has slain Vesurounth and his Council of Dragons. Forcing the remaining Dra'kaya to be exiled and remain to live in their temples and tombs for eternity or when they shall be free by a Makr.   Soon, him and his group decide to become the first nation of Vorell to exist as a unified species to lead a nation. They shall call their people Drukhvaa (Dragonborn), to only become a creed of people that swear to become something in which these ancient creatures have been but use it for protection and peace. In time the creed becomes a species, where everyone becomes a Dragonborn like Deimaga / Tredya.

Historical Basis

This legend is built through historical myth for quite some time now. Statues and relics could be seen as thousands of years old within the Realm. As well as rumored temples to hold where the exiled Dra'kaya stand.


This is an ancient legend told by the citizens in nations for thousands of years. The people shall remember but lesser people respect the legend through time.

Variations & Mutation

  • The original had little to no mention of the two companions he had carried in the journey. Others had mentioned his companions as Tefalye to become a lover as time goes by and Credzak to become a great friend or possibly also a lover to Tredya.
  • The original had never mentioned any specific Dragon nor did it name the Dragons. It only mentioned of Tredya slaying each Dra'kaya as time goes by.
  • Other versions imply that the Dragonborn had been criminal, drunk, warrior, noble or even a hermit.
  • The mother was said to be an Elf, Gnome, Dwarf or an Orc. The popular version mentions this to be a Human.
Date of First Recording
499 TE
Date of Setting
499 TE - 523 TE


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