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The Legend of Queen Azibelle

An ancient story of one of the most prominent and respected Elven Maidens in all of Vorell.


There was never a true beginning for when the conflict had occurred, nor could anyone claim how exactly the war began. Only to be seen was a darkness that would begin overwhelming the skies from above and grow stronger as time proceeds. There had been mass conflict between the Elven society and the darkness of Vhos. The underground labyrinth shall raise its armies to leech off the many creatures that thrive from its own economy. The Altmer and its King would command the charge against the malevolent society only to defend the kingdom of Salanar as well would the separated tribes of the Tabaxi, Drow and Emgora. The Aarakocra would fend for themselves as well along the Sky Keep, as long as the Vhos couldn't commit for the skies.   The King of Salanar commands, adapts then overcomes but at times would grow stressful and exhausting, even if the war tended to grow one-sided in certain instances. The King considered this a trick. The Altmer King, Leamour would respond to this fight as a pity war if the power shifts for the enemy somehow. Unfortunately, it had. The Vhos would spawn from the underground holes that shall become Gate Ways between the Underdark and Overlands (Vhos and Vorell), and there happened to have been some growing beneath their own homes. During the silent night, the city grows under fire and Elves run rampant as the monstrous creatures siege the city from below. At this moment, our King would be witnessing and protecting the one thing he would give his life for, his wife and soon-to-be newborn. Her majesty is in labor as the city is under siege.   Druids and allied Paladins would defend the city as a pinnacle fight, for this would be the defense that shall turn the tide or the night the Elven Kingdom shall fall, and if so, then they shall make this a memorable fight. Men and women sided among one-another would fight until their last breath, but it barely lasted once the creatures broke into the Royal Family's quarters. The baby had been birthed then the cries are heard but the Fatherly King would protect his new child until he is slammed against the walls by a monster then given to by the child of the druid that assisted birthing the baby away. The two would be long away from the fight as their own families fates are unknown. It isn't until time would have them caught by the Karaba to rescue them from the night as ordered in case this was to happen. They are escorted passed the great river of Ardrith Run to the mountains near the Center, where many have taken refuge but far more have scattered all over the island. If anyone is to ask the boy who he is, then he'd respond with Validruun. If anyone is to ask the of the baby, they'd name her, Azibelle.   Time would preserve Azibelle's childhood as the war would continue but possible the Vhos had won their fight for the island. Now the Karaba would defend the camp the princess would live in. For time she would grow to love adventures, action and shape her charisma in sentences and details the Royal Family would soon use. Validruun would keep a watchful eye on her much like a brother for her. Someone who would stick by her side as sworn the night they had gone, yet she wouldn't know of the night she was born yet...   Not until she grew in her mature years in the future, then the truth would grow shocking within herself. The lungs would shrivel, her heart beats faster then head feels weakened, realizing she has a lineage that is worth much more than most would realize. All her life so far, she had stuck with Validruun for so long as someone she would trust, no matter what happens, but this moment would leave her to be left alone without anyone this time. She knows what unity stands for, she understands the path of justice, but could all this be done by herself?   Validruun understands the secret he has kept from Azibelle. Yet, it never came to mind how much of an issue it would have been since he grew up with the woman he would soon appreciate as they laughed together, learned together, fought together even survived together from some traumatic moments in their past. He did this only as a duty from the King but now is the duty of someone who loves Azibelle now. Soon she would take on the duty she must endure but this doesn't mean she would stick with Validruun for much longer anymore, but he would do anything and give up anything to protect her still. Azibelle knows him to be the symbol of loyalty and courage.   Once she has been crowned at last, the Elves of the growing camp would settle like a small Kingdom where the gathering Altmer would collectively agree to take back the city of Salanar and free the Elves from Vhos. Yet, the numbers wouldn't leave without a major loss. She knows what unity stands for, so she would use it by gathering the trust of the separated Tabaxi and Emgora species to align with the Elves for once to not be separate factions but to entrust each other as one whole Kingdom, the dream that all creatures would be united under one Kingdom. All that remains of Relhava remains near the Center. The rebirth of Relhava and the idea of a single Kingdom must begin where they shall live together, in Arbiter's Rest. Tensions have been high with the Tabaxi, the creatures dressed as feline who would climb along the trees and the Emgora, the Drow who have betrayed their own long ago and sworn to live among the far reaches under exile, the creatures who would roam in the swamps and thrive like reptiles. It would take time in order to build the desired trust these two major factions would need to sign themselves to form an alliance with Azibelle as she would speak for all of the Altmer to grant them the rights and privileges they'd requested for centuries and promising a redemption for the Drow even after their betrayal against their own.   The one morning shall rise, and whether the day shall end with victory or defeat. Validruun would always remind Azibelle since the day, she was the only Royal in history who had managed to unite the Tribes and Kingdom into one group as a dream she would imagine, not for victory in a conflict but a victory in belief. Once mentioned of Azibelle, being pure of heart, sharing his connection he desperately tries to preserve no matter how difficult, forgive Validruun for the lies he secrets. Though this wasn't only forgiveness, for the reason she led a unified Relhava was not only for the sake of belief but love. That was the same morning she had finally given her first kiss to someone she had loved her whole life since the moment she learned of love.   It is nothing but commitment that would give these two the gifts for the goals they shared and desired. The dawn rises then their fight begins with roaring applause from all over. Her plans for Unity would rise as some would say she is the descendant of Penelope, herself and others may interpret her to be a Goddess of her own with magic flowing from her tongue that would send upon all that had happened. The Ents of the Moving Forests, the Emgora of the Swamps, the Tabaxi of the Jundlands, the Drow from their camps, and the Aaracokra from the Sky Keep. All banded together to shape a victory that none in history would have witnessed since the war against the Champions. A victory nonetheless, as the Vhos wouldn't recognize anything with the shining beacons of Sol blinding them, the clouds overshadowing the skies are no longer visible as blue skies clearly overwhelm overtop their heads now, banishing the monsters back into the depths of the casted Underdark they once thrived in. Now to force these creatures to never set foot in the Overlands again.   Once the flames are extinguished and the battle cries are silenced, the fight is over. As Azibelle would walk among the room she was born in, only Validruun would remember the horrors that occurred in there but Azibelle still wouldn't know how the scars came to be. Validruun would see his Druid mother laying on the ground as an aged corpse, along with Azibelle's family. She never knew what they had looked like, now she would come to recognize them. Now one had ever seen the strong Elven woman cry, but now Validruun would see that emotion inside her. In an instance of her vulnerability, one such monster would pounce against the two ready to throw a lethal blow against Azibelle but Validruun wasn't scared nor did he lose focus in the moment as he sacrificed his life to save the now Queen and defeat the monster. His last words for her as she holds him in her arms, calling for anyone to save him, "Please, don't cry. Our fates are relied on you now. I always told you, I'd do anything for you, my Queen. And I never back down on a promise, my love."   It may have been the celebratory day in which the citizens would celebrate their victory, but in a cost for Azibelle, she would mourn the only man she had loved. The people would now be missing a possible King of the throne, but Validruun didn't do any and all for the throne of Relhava. He had done all because he swore his allegiance for his future Queen with no shame in love for her over the throne. People would also learn of her lineage shall continue on with an offspring...   A long time would pass until her decree as a Queen of Relhava shall rename the city of Salanar, not as the city of Elves, but the city of the Forest. Only to continue her bloodline shall the throne be claimed as before with her child, Aria for the future lineage shall continue for her own mark not as a Queen but as a unified group of island and its citizens. She would lay upon her death bed knowing that in history, she would pass as one of the greatest Elven rulers to serve.
Date of First Recording
76,258 BSE
Date of Setting
76,261 BSE


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