Prisoner Guard Unit

As the entire purpose of the Lakamhaan people being brought and adapted to Realm-R was to guard the prisoner-dragon Kulkulcan, the most respected unit of the Lakamhaan military is the Prisoner Guard unit.
  Kirsec is the Captain of all the military, including the Prisoner Guard Unit. He was in the unit for 250 years before becoming Captain, thus becoming the second most respected Lakamhaan in all of Lakamha after the King.



8% of the current Lakamhaan population make up the Prisoner Guard Unit at any one time. Those within the unit stay for about 50 years before rotating with other units in the military, though those with talent and high status may stay within the unit for extended periods of time under orders of the King and Captain of the military.


There are not many technology based vehicles in Realm-R due to the lack of easily accessed areas suitable for such vehicles. However, some professions, and some of the high nobility households do have monsters as pets for transportation. The Prisoner Guard Unit have access to horned beasts of the sabre tooth variety. These are intelligent animals with dark grey fur that have a bluish hue to them and are often ridden in training and battle.
  They can be tamed through friendship and food. Once tamed, they are very loyal to their partners and the members of the unit have great pride in their beasts. The horned beasts will be loyal to their changing partners every 50 years, however they often have a favourite person. This person may be the one that tamed them, but it isn't always. When they are not on duty, in training or on adventures with their current partner, if their favourite person is in town, it is not uncommon to see them visit said favourite.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by AvalonCollierArt


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Jul 9, 2024 17:03

I love the image of a sabertooth clocking out and then going off to chill with its best friend. :D

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Jul 10, 2024 10:51 by Tara Fae Belle


My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Sep 10, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Aug 11, 2024 14:17 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that you not only interpreted the article as prisoner guard (instead of protective guard), but that there is a whole culture around it! I also like your re-interpretation of vehicles.