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Brirril - Fall

Events that occured within the city during the Brirril months in Taergoria. All events take place during the year 20AU, twenty years after the undead plague started.

  • Start of Brirril
    Geological / environmental event

    Start of Brirril / Fall

  • Earthquake or Mage
    Strange Occurrences
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Strange noises were reported coming from the bone ship stranded 3 days from the city. Rumbling compared to that of an earthquake sent panic through the general district but was quickly forgotten by the citizens.

  • Rumors of magical façade
    Guard Rumors
    Life, Publicity

    Rumors from guards positioned on the walls claim a dragon image large enough to block the sun was seen coming from the direction of the coastal encampment a day after the reports of the rumbling from the same location.

  • Orc Arena Event
    Orc District Event
    Political event

    Orc district is open for one day only. Part of a yearly celebration hosted for the hero Xurek who killed the Necromancer General and ended the undead war. Enter the district at your own risk, city officials wish to note all that participate waives their rights as a citizen while attending.

  • Three Elves Win Arena
    Winners are Elves
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Elves win Orc District Arena! - Noone would believe it if royal guards had not been there to witness. Three unknown elves took to the pits within the orc district taking on the champion Darguz Emissary of Decay and came out winners. Their victory leaves the question, will more enter next year to try and take the title from them?!

  • Plagues or Common Colds
    Illness Scare
    Plague / Epidemic

    Rumors of strange illnesses in the districts spread through the taverns. The illnesses range from common colds to more serious things such as strange boils and fevers. There seems to be no pattern and thus no alarms are raised, city leaders blame low immunity and the lower temperatures. Any citizens feeling abnormally ill are to report to their district's healer for a free city health inspection in order to try and prevent an outbreak of any kind.

  • Elf guards use district defenses?
    Elf District Disturbance
    Criminal Activity

    Rumors within the elf district say there was a disturbance close to the councilors tower recently that warranted the use of defensive magic by the guards. While no one was there to witness the events in question, disturbed roots and rumbling in the nearby area have many speculating what the cause was.

  • Elf District Leader Missing
    District in unrest
    Political event

    Elf district leader has not been seen by citizens of the district in nearly a week. While her guards reassure the district nothing is wrong and notices still appear with her signature, elves of high ranks argue among themselves over who might take her place if something occurred.

  • Missing Caravan Event
    Missing Supply Caravans
    Disaster / Destruction

    Missing Caravan -A weekly supply caravan from Tura has been attacked, and only one of the three arrived at the city with supplies in tack. While details about the incident are limited citizens are feeling the tightness of low supply once more. City-provided rations are cut in half until further notice.

  • Prices increase and food levels decrease
    Food supplies low
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    With the reduction of supplies and the upcoming winter season tensions are high within the city's walls. Within the general district city, guards are nearly never seen while shopkeepers are forced to raise prices in order to recover their losses. Citizens protest by stealing or attempting to riot for better results. Tension is high and incidents are expected with only citizen response expected. Cat's Claw owner Alyssa offers one meal a day to children, the elderly, women with children, and the ill.

  • City leaders meet
    Plans to end the hunger?
    Diplomatic action

    City Leaders Meet - While the reasoning for the meeting is unknown it is rumored the city leaders met today in order to try and find a solution to the shortage of food before the worst of winter hits.

  • Elf Leader opens tower to any with questions
    Vulwin Resurfaces
    Life, Publicity

    Elf district leader resurfaces- After being physically missing from the sight of her followers for well into a week the High Councilor makes it known she is still around by opening her tower doors for any district citizens to answer any and all questions personally for three days.

  • Second Coastal Trip
    Supply Caravan
    Diplomatic action

    Second coastal trip leaves- A small scouting party and a weapons supply cart put together by the human queen were sent out to meet the pirates at the coast. The city leaders decided it is better to speak with the Captain of the vessel rather than assuming them an enemy to start. In order to learn more about the strangers, and possibly recruit their aid, the human queen had the Scout Captain sent with the caravan of supplies to personally invite the leader back for a royal meal.

  • Rumors city focused on expanding not food storage
    Horses not Food

    City focusing on horses not food! - Guard Rumors suggest that the Scout Corp has been sent out to investigate a property owned by the horse breeder of the human district. Some are excited this means the city may be trying to expand more while others are concerned the resources could be going toward dwindling food stores.

  • Foul Play Suspected
    Suspected Robbery
    Criminal Activity

    Foul Play Suspected-Guards near the entrance gates make a report of a young human boy, the alchemist's apprentice Shane, returning to the city alone and injured after leaving with an unknown individual a few hours before. The young boy refused to press charges so no other information was collected aside from his name and place of living. No warnings were issued to the public about the incident.

  • Hunters guild to close orders
    Guild Backlog

    Hunting Guild Backlog - The hunters guild is no longer taking general population hunting requests for the forest commons. Due to the increasing danger and lack of prey the guild is unable to fill requests in a timely manner making the guild leader Leoven sadly deny all requests until further notice.

  • End of Brirril
    Geological / environmental event

    End of Brirril / Fall